Monday, July 28, 2008

I am moving to LA

I don't know if anyone is actually reading this blog anymore, but the page count keeps going up... So, who am I to judge. What they say about frequent updates must be a scam. Anyways. New is, I am moving to LA in september. Go me!

/end news

If you live in LA og knows someone who lives there you should share them with me. Sharing is good, and I am really nice.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am alive

See you in Norway on friday :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Back to School

I have hit Washington DC, and have spent my three days here doing something that will make my professors back in school very happy (Jan Erik, nĂ¥ skal du nok bli glad!) The picture below is taken from the roof of the Newseum in DC. I visited it the last time I was here (10 years ago), and I remember having so much fun that I really wanted to go back. Turns out the NEWSeum has been closed for years and opened again the day before I arrived. Talk about timing! Six flors of heaven for a news junkie like myself.

While being here I have stayed with my friend Lauren which I went to Camp Rising Sun with in 1998 and stayed with in New York the summer of 2000. Now she´s a hot shot Pro Bono worker in DC.


Monday night Lauren took me to The Kalb Report at the National Press Club here in DC. 

"The Kalb Report In Search of Truth: A Conversation on Investigative Reporting with Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalists: Dana Priest from The Washington Post and Seymour Hersh from The New Yorker." (Pictures to the right.)

Not unlike Norwegian print journalists they think the internet suck, and that everything should be done old school. Besides that it was very interesting. To listen to the way these people work and what they have accomplished was very inspiring. 

Tomorrow I am off to New York City... on a Greyhound bus.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Southern LOL

When I arrived in North Carolina on Tuesday, I was all by myself. Hotwire had placed me in a very nice hotel in the middle of nowhere. After sleeping the day away I decided walking down the road and See what was out there. I was hoping to find a gun crazy republican that wanted to go out and shoot democrats in the name of Jesus Christ, but I would not be that lucky...

The good thing about America is that it is just like the movies. After a short while I found a bar along the way. An old man with a grey beard was sitting by the bar smoking cigarettes. He had a baseball cap and  flannel shirt on. I spent the whole night there talking to him. He was a republican, but he didn´t have a gun and he was hardly religious. OH well... one out of three isn´t that bad.

After my night in the outskirts of Charlotte I hooked up with my friends. The result can be seen here:

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Something old, something new and a little magic

I left the sweet city of Chicago on tuesday, but I got to meet a lot of great people before I left.

Something new: 
I met Cary, better known as Honeybear and Honeypie on MySpace. She is as sweet as you get the impression of and she is a wicked makeup artist. She pampered me and gave me a full makeover. This is not the last time I go out for cocktails with this one...

Something old:
It has been ten years since 14 year old Inga went to Camp Rising Sun in upstate New York. There has also been ten years since I saw my fellow campers Gaby and Tanya. They both live in Chcicago, and they haven´t changed at all. I hope it will not be ten year until I see them again.

Gaby, Tanya and Inga.

Magic Trick:
Thanks Robert!

And of course I had to make a video (after the Portland success) from Chicago as well. It´s long, but I promise... the end is fantastic!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The windy city

Is not as windy as you  might think...

So far, Chicago has been great. I am staying with Vincent and Jennifer. Here is him looking up her skirt. That is just the way they say hello in Chicago.

They have three cats. This is my favorite one, because it is the first one who trusted me. Which means that if he was a child he would be the one who trusted the old man with the candy... Not that the cat IS a child and I am not an old man. I do not have any candy either.  But you never know.

So far I have:
- Eaten mexican food and had Margaritas
- Seen downtown Chicago
- Been on the subway and bus
- Eaten a Chicago deep dish pizza (they say it is better than in New York)
- Been to Vincent´s play reading, and loved it!
- Sung live band karaoke (Come on Eilieen)
- Met Myspace-people

Kelly, Robert, Vincent and Jen.

Inga, Todd, Kelly, Robert and Vincent.

Last, but not least. Vincent and I made a videoblog based on the many videoblogs of me and Kristin. Enjoy!

Ringht now there is a cat on my foot...

Sunday, March 30, 2008